Edible Cravings Catering
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Easy Breezy Monkey Bread
Posted on October 13, 2017 at 10:25 AM |
Hey Happy Friday!
So, just as I promised, here's my first recipe to share with you. It's perfect for the weekend and it's easy. I will list all the ingredients followed by the instructions to cook.
First thing first.
1 can of refrigerated biscuit dough
1/2 a cup of sugar
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of butter or margarine
1/4 cup of nuts, pecans raisins (Optional-select what you like)
Muffin pan
Preheat oven to 350. Grease your muffin pan. Mix your sugar and cinnamon mixture together in a bowl or plastic bag. Take the biscuit dough and cut in to 4 slices. Drop the biscuit slices into the cinnamon/sugar mixture coating all over. After coating the dough add each quarter into the muffin cup. You should be able to get 3 into each cup. Also, if you adding nuts or raisins add between the slices of dough. In a small sauce pan melt your butter and brown sugar until smooth on a low heat. Pour the mixture over the each muffin cup covering the biscuit dough. Bake using the instruction time on the biscuit can. Once they are done remove from oven and place on a plate to cool and enjoy!
I cannot wait to see who will try this and tell me what you think! Send me your comments.
Categories: Food Recipes
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