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Road Tripping to Waco - Magnolia Silos
Posted on March 28, 2019 at 10:45 AM |
My husband and I decided to be spontaneous (mainly me) and take a road trip to Waco a few weekends back. Our destination was to visit the Magnolia Silos, Magnolia Table and Silos Baking Co. Yes, it was Spring Break and it was St. Patrick’s Day weekend but that didn’t matter to me. I was looking forward to this trip and the crowd would not bother me at all.
Once we arrived we discovered that a Vendor Fair was taking place which has become an annual event at the Silos. The Fair is called “Spring at the Silos”. There were tons of vendors participating from Artisans, Food Trucks/Trailers, Book Signings and featured authors and several bands providing live music on a center stage. On the day that we were there Authors Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin were signing their book titled “The Home Edit”.
We were able to visit Magnolia Market and the Silos Baking Co. Although we had to wait in a line for each locations, it was worth the wait. I did not realize that the Magnolia Table was not at thr Silos location and it was a little up the way from the Silos, so we were not able to stop by as planned. We also wanted to visit Spice Village which is a retail venue that has several unique specialty boutiques for one of a kind shopping. Not that any of the above mentioned shops were too far or out of the way because everything is wthin walking distance or a hop on the trolley. The vendor fair had so much to offer so we didn't miss out at all. We had food vendors, music and retailers all available on-site at the Silos. It was definitely a one stop shop.
Once we completed all our shopping and walking, we could finally sit back on the lawn and be entertained. A stage was set up in front of the lawn and the Silos where local Bands performed live throughout the day which was really cool.
If you are planning to make a drive to Waco, it’s only about an hour and a half from Dallas. You could make it a day trip or an overnight trip just to soak it all in. My tips for you would be:
1. Come early to visit all your planned destinations.
2. Pick a weekend or weekday that’s not busy.
3. Plan to eat at Magnolia Table (no reservations accepted)
4. Tours are available to tour the city of the Fixer Upper.
5. Plan to shop.
6. BONUS: Parking is Free and there is a free trolley available from the Silos to Downtown with maps.
#magnoliamarket #wacotexas
Until next time, I'll talk to you later!
Categories: Out and About
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